Well being, well planet…

I realise my perspective is slightly off centre, but all perspectives are valid, that is what makes us all so important in this global mix of consciousness.  We all matter as we are all unique.

At the moment we are being tested, a virus doesn’t have boundaries and does not care whether you are rich or poor.  This virus brings us all back to being equal, a celebrity can catch it just as easily as your neighbour, a head of state as easily as your co-worker.

As I healed, I shifted vibrations as I became happier and more joyous, illnesses became rare, I can not remember when I last had a cold, cough or when I last went to a doctor, if I did it was for a prognosis so I could work out the trapped energy as to why I had the dis-ease in the first place.   The acne rosacea was a blessing as it lead me to here.  As with anything, law of attraction is bringing what we want and do not want depending on our beliefs and energy.  If we are fearful for our health then the chances are you will contract something as that thought has power … what you resist, persists.

As countries go into lockdown, workers are told to stay at home, plans are changing rapidly as events are cancelled, postponed and priorities reassessed, do we need to go and do this or that?

What we are having to do is become more present in our day to day life.

From our human perspective it may be hard to believe that there is any good to come out of this but I strongly believe that there is a bigger plan, there is always a bigger plan to wake us up.

I have just seen footage of Italians singing from their rooftops uniting in their cities as curfew restrictions are enforced.  This is human connection at it’s best.

Responsibility for your well-being helps towards a well planet.






Love or fear…

When you get down to the nitty gritty, there are only two emotions.

Love creates appreciation, joy, happiness, trust, peace and acceptance in the unfolding.  Fear creates negativity, control, worry, mistrust of life.

Love is light, love is freedom.

Fear is power.  Fear controls.

And we get to choose where we direct our thoughts.

I would do this when I felt fear, it may help…

Feel the fear/doubt/negativity/anger in your solar plexus area, then visualise moving it up to your heart space and then simply let it go out of your body and aura, the energy of love will dissolve that fear as the higher vibration out trumps that lower one.  You may need to practice this a few times, but it is well worth doing.  (Not to be done whilst driving or operating heavy machinery.)




Headless chickens, heartless souls…

Witnessing the reactions and responses in other humans is fascinating, we can all be witness to the same incident but each will have a different perspective, their own point of view, humans have so many filters to them, mine are very much rose-tinted and I like them that way.

My current partner, let’s call him Jeff, had a wonderful conflict of interest this week, with my rosey specs on I always see them as opportunities, but George, I mean Jeff, is slightly old school on many things and his glasses are of a more serious shade than mine… one of his daughters, revealed to him that they were in a relationship with another non-binary same person, if you get my drift … I had already been made aware of this news and kept (step)mum about it.

Jeff seems to think somehow that he has some control over his offspring, or many things for that matter, that what he thinks is going to stop his daughters relationship and that they will see the light and become heterosexual.  He becomes overwhelmed with tiredness, a sure sign that his mental and emotional body has a glitch, so time to switch it off and sleep, when we first met he suffered hugely from chronic fatigue, but slowly, slowly emotions were identified and dealt with that he rarely needs that quick exit to sleep.

My support is kind, I know he will do the right thing.  He couldn’t respond to his daughter, so I sent them a text to reassure them that he had to process the information but would talk to them soon.

So heart centred communication is by far the purest form of any interaction, a knee jerk response will achieve nothing, best to sift through your emotions and then take action. Of course his heart out trumped his head and he talked to his daughter today.

It seems that headless chickens have been running riot this week, leading up to the full moon, lunar eclipse on Friday, some of our young royals decided to announce that they wanted a more normal life.  Boom! Strong reactions, criticisms and judgements have been written and spoken about at great length, how could they treat the HRH Queen so badly, what about duty etc, I am not particularly attached to our royals, yes I could let hierarchy curtail my sense of entitlement as a human but as a spiritual being foremost, I feel queen of my own kingdom, as indeed I am, as are you all… we rule.

I would like to think though that everyone is entitled to happiness, to thrive rather than survive, if we step on a few shoes on the way in this selfish pursuit of a basic human right then so be it, even if they do happen to be queen sized.  I know I did.

A question I would ask myself when confronted around family, siblings mainly, is this.. What would love do?  Love would not judge, hinder or control, love would not criticise or scorn, belittle or hurt, love would empower and nurture, encourage and believe, trust and know that all is well.  Those four words have transformed the most tense of tense situations.  When we look through a filter of love we release so much pain, ours, theirs, whoevers, love heals, love is the highest vibration on the planet the universe, multiverse and beyond.

Those Beatles were so connected…

Speaking your truth…

As an intrepid light worker and seeker of my truth, I have listened to many, many alternative speakers, from this realm and beyond, read many books and attended quite a few courses, all in pursuit (a basic human right) of joy.  I picked up what I needed to know when I was ready to read or hear it.  Inching slowly towards my goal.

I loved listening to Abraham-Hicks and back in the day, say 10/15 years ago, their energy and wisdom was far too much for little me and my lower vibrational body, I would just fall asleep but as I released more baggage I could spend all day listening, the vibration of them and their words helped me find this ever elusive joy, bringing me back to myself and the vital connection with my inner being.

These days, my physical and spiritual being are very much aligned… I really get how it is the road less travelled, it was the biggest endurance course of my life, ducking and dodging all those negative beliefs, but with machete in hand I cleared my path of unexplored emotions, contrast and depression, connecting them to a memory, negative thought and releasing them to the universe.  Phew…I rarely had time to stop and smell the roses…  At the time I hadn’t learnt to trust myself and I would seek guidance from clairvoyants, angel cards, always looking for verification that I was indeed on the right path, still looking outside of myself for confirmation.  Now, I can look back on that wiggly, random path and appreciate my spirit and its commitment to grow and learn, all those bumps, roundabouts, U-turns and crossroads I took happened in perfect timing, like a rose that cannot be forced to bloom any earlier, the unfolding is so much part of the journey, there is no rush.  Of course I had my doubts about this path, and once or twice remember thinking “This is too hard, I’m not going to think this way anymore, it just doesn’t work out”, ha, now that was a crazy thinking!  How can ones expansion of thought ever be limited again?

If you are seeking different outcomes around health, career or relationships there is one thing that remains true and that is, your outside circumstances are always a reflection of you and can be dealt with by a shift in perspective, sometimes only a little tweek is necessary, sometimes more, the path, a personal one.  Belief that you have the power to heal is all that is needed and knowing that everything is connected, the health fails when we fail to heed our emotional responses and reactions… been there a few times… blaming others another imbalance… yep been there too…

When I first became aware of the harsh words I used on myself, the judgements and that critical voice, I started to turn it around, was it my voice?  Mostly it was my dear mother so I started questioning it… is it true?  I became softer as my anger subsided and healing tears fell.

Clarity in speech and discernment around what we say can make a huge difference in any exchange, do we own what we are saying or not?  Can you say I love you… or is it… love you?  If you are stuck then look in the mirror, normally that will bring your critical voice right up to the forefront.  Another helpful clue is, (aren’t we humans amazing… so many clues yet so few detectives), do you have recurring throat chakra blockages? Sore throats, clicking jaws, tonsillitis, or maybe ear aches, all an indication that your energy is out of balance and you find it hard to express from your heart, fearing that perhaps you will hurt or offend someone, normally parents.

Speaking our truth is another basic human right.




New Year, new decade, new beginnings…

It’s coming up to the time of year when we reflect, perhaps compare and (some of us) resolve to differ for this bright, new shiny start on the 1st of January, a time for new beginnings, a new us.

The energies of 2020 feel lighter, more fun and less intense than these past 7 years have been, there has been a lot of clearing, on a personal level and globally.   Since 2012 we have had some major shifts in consciousness, look at how massive movements on sexuality, environment and eating, to name a few, have spread around our beautiful  planet.

Change comes from new thought and whatever steps taken in the direction of it, an arrow of possibility that is inspired by something or someone.

Sustaining the change can be the challenge, doubts may start creeping in or peer pressure or if you are like me, I talk myself back to my norm, “well I did it for a few weeks”… or other such words, on reflection I never give myself a hard time though, I think I just sort of run out of energy around that which I want to change.

My only real commitment to myself has been over emotional issues, having spent decades in learning who I am, scraping away that hideous costume I thought I was, leaving a large trunk of baggage in my wake as the years and decades came and went, invisible they may be but the power of emotions can not be denied.

They were mostly baby steps in letting go, looking at my shadow, where I became a victim, my repeat patterns, a sort of dot-to-dot for soul growth.  Without a doubt learning to love me, when all that I knew was to loathe, criticise and judge has been a fabulous journey.  Emotional well-being is linked to so much, if you do not care about yourself then you will have a tendency to sabotage body, career, relationships.

I have a few days to properly meditate on what I want to put out for this next year and decade, as my big ‘0’ birthdays synch with every new decade I have already put in place an extended trip to Cyprus come the new year, I am loosely putting out what I want to do without being attached to any outcome.  Knowing that everything unfolds perfectly when I let go and trust.  Law of attraction does the rest.

I do resolve to shine brighter and dream bigger, inspire and influence, with love, kindness, appreciation, compassion and joy by my side.

That is a very good start.

And a Happy New Year to you all!  Let’s dream big for health, abundance, connection and love to all, for yourself, your loved ones and our beautiful planet.