Breaking spells…

When our awareness shows us our beliefs and negative thought patterns then we can make strides to bring balance (using whatever tools you have; EFT, Emotion Code, Radical Forgiveness or The Work are mine). I am and have always been determined to get to the root cause of any trauma, when I had acne rosacea I knew the imbalance wasn’t just physical.

I forget so often that I am the creator of my reality, that I am a witch and can as easily uncast a spell as cast one.

‘I love you’ can break most spells and I have used those three magical words to ease and transform some very tense and difficult situations.

But turning it around and loving oneself is far easier said than done… I thought I was there, loving myself unconditionally but I wasn’t.

It wasn’t until the thought ‘I can’t be totally bothered with myself’ came into my head a few days ago that I realised, shit I still don’t love myself 100%, I then had a visceral reaction as my energy shifted, look at it like a gazelle being chased by a lion, when they do manage to outrun the lion, they will stand a shake themselves off, letting go of the trauma.

About a week ago, inspired by a very dear friend I started hugging myself whilst saying I love you out loud, to myself with intention, a simple yet powerful practice, this has helped me connect more with my divinity and led to that thought a few days ago.

The truth is that the majority of us live under this spell that we are not good enough, that we need this, that and the other in order to be better, to feel better, but it is far simpler… we are divine, we are expressions of the divine in human form…and the more we withhold this from ourselves then the more easily we can be entranced by the material which then leads to anxiety of mind, body and spirit.

Cut straight to spirit with those 3 magical words, they will transform you on all levels.

I love you…

Whatever the weather…

The year is speeding past, here in the UK summer has been brief and inconsistent but this is life… brief and full of contrast, remembering that we chose to be here at this moment in time.

How we weather the storms will vary, for some a good walk will shake of depression but for others something more radical is needed, whatever it is will be to get out of ourselves, to put distance from us as the pain of that disconnection cannot be properly processed by sitting and facing it fully, humans are emotional beings… e-motion = energy in motion; tsunami or drizzle all deserve to be acknowledged and felt.

We are extraordinarily resilient, we British can come into our own more when things ‘need to be done’, that Dunkirk spirit out trumps upset as we soldier on, for some this is the answer but as the generations die out and the younger ones come in more connected another way will need to be found.

My dear mother is a ‘must get on’ generation, to talk about anything deep and meaningful is pointless as I am left feeling the weird one and abandoned when she starts focusing attention on the dog, lesson learnt, those conversations are best avoided. We spend a lot of time together (so plenty of learning opportunities!) and I am observing her as much as myself during our interactions, why do I feel this or that, then I remind myself that all I need to bring to the table is love and to love myself as much as her or indeed anyone when I feel tetchy or irritated.

Setting an intention at the start of ones day can cover all bases, mine has evolved into “I will bring love and joy”, this I now take with me into every high street, shop or home I visit, I can feel my inner light expanding as I walk down a road or when I chat or smile at another soul… shine and glow, shine and glow.

With weather this rubbish I would normally be thinking of sun seeking in the Med but that’s just looking outside of myself again for that solar energy, this summer has definitely brought me back to myself in a more empowered and grounded way, knowing that my inner power never left me, I just let myself cover it up by thinking I needed to reserve it for loved ones or being in a certain emotional state or with some wine or be on the beach… crazy thinking and excuses, dimming ones light… totally crazy…

Shine and glow, shine and glow.

Stepping into 5D…

In this time of great expansion, reality has been and is being squeezed, demanding attention; health, finances, relationships and careers being the four major areas to be reviewed, refreshed and rebalanced.

I listen to a lot of wise speakers who are committed to raising the vibration of humanity and it always comes down to our energy and freedom.  Releasing negativity in order to reach that love vibration that connects us to all that is which gives us more freedom to do what we want.  Staying small is not an option right now as we move into the age of aquarius and from 3D to 5D consciousness.

But what stops us from shining as brightly as we can?  What or who started limiting us?  Who put who into a box?  Were we threatened with no pocket money?  Or perhaps physical violence if we did not conform to parental demands?  Or did we witness things that made us conform?  To be honest I was a child that always felt disconnected from family and some would say I was aloof, this was due to a life event that I became a total victim to for years.

But this stick, like all, has two ends… if you keep yourself small then you want to be noticed as your ego is craving acknowledgement… pick me, pick me!  But when old wounds are healed, ego falls away, as you are completing yourself from the inside out, recongnising old patterns, listening to the inner dialogue and becoming aware of reactions and responses, blaming others is another clue as to where you are at.

Never let any one belittle you and if you feel that you are being then interrogate yourself as to why you are allowing part of yourself to be kept small… there could be a trapped emotion that EFT could release or by simply saying no and standing in your full power.

Shining forth, excited, thriving and expanding into your infinite possibilities, in the highest vibration possible as you walk your path and continue this human journey, as more and more of us are connecting to each other on the higher wave length.



Break down to break through…

The world of humanity is in the process of breaking down in order to rebirth into a new reality.

This global epidemic throws up core beliefs to be addressed and healed quicker than ever, breakthrough leads to surrender, acceptance and that shift in perspective as we get down to the nitty gritty of who we are and how we lead our lives.

I always look to me first if something shows up in my reality that causes upset, I am of the belief that… there are no accidents… we are living in a vibrational universe… and that spirit is always guiding us…AND… that life is perfectly unfolding according to a divine plan.

My breakthrough has been an extraordinary leap to a far deeper appreciation and acceptance of who I am, (as this stream of consciousness playing this part, in this lifetime) this is a huge shift and feels like that big piece that I (dis-)missed for decades.  I have never been a mainstream thinker, I was far to curious about humans, their behaviour and the deeper meaning to life.  The family I was born into were perfect as my co-stars, as I internalised that I was wrong from a very young age, that dis-ease of me and all my self-limiting beliefs became cancer, then acne rosacea, and all because I was putting others before me, I had made others the stars of my own damned show… I had denied who I was for so long and just sat in the wings waiting to be seen or at least be given a part.. isn’t that ridiculous and rather sad!?  It is though a sad fact that many of us believe others before ourselves, whether they are family, friends, teachers, peers or the media, only we know what doesn’t work for us, we have to look within, feel the negative emotions our reactions and free ourselves before we breakdown or rely on external buffers to help us live our lives.

I became a closet new age thinker to family and some friends… how blinking ridiculous is that but people pleasing is not soul pleasing, it is dis-missing who we were born to be, aim high, dream big, we were born to thrive, to live a vibrant life, to feel joyful and to do what we love and above all be and take centre stage of our own life.







Everything is changing… we have just had the solstice, new moon and an eclipse, people are being pushed through the eye of a needle, squeezed to emotional extremes, all purposeful and ultimately healing, sometimes not easily seen from a straightforward human perspective.  It seems that each day can leave us with a new thought, especially if you are still connecting with mainstream media over the health and power plays currently going on, as powerful creators it is important to embrace the change… bearing in mind that wind will flow easier through a tree that is well rooted than a brick wall.

We all have the ability to create new realities through different thoughts and as most spiritual teachers state as adults we would take heed to be like the children, to look at life with the wonderment of a child, simple advise but easily forgotten.  I think as adults we go through a period of comparing our lives with peers through jobs, property, having a family and all the stuff we are supposed to take seriously, it is all about what we have, external, this is what is breaking down now, this age of materialism as more and more have realised, (lock down played it’s part here) that it is the simple things that bring us the most joy.

Keep it simple… if you are wondering what creates a wonderful life, look in wonderment at life.


The Pony and the Man-Made Man now has a facebook page.  This is a recent review from a Steiner/Waldorf teacher.

Very thought provoking…. powerful. We liked it and were captivated throughout.

Age group wise I definitely say over nine years old to really be able to think about it but I know many people would read it to younger children.  However you have tapped into something which would speak to any age group for sure!

I would say 5+ in mainstream schooling.  Please help to spread the word.  Launch date is now 8th July in UK.  10% of direct sales will go to an ocean clean up charity.

Thank you!


Suppression of expression…

During any crisis there are without doubt opportunities; businesses that fail and those that thrive, humans who relish new challenges and those that do not.  For some the chaos somehow creates a new spirit that is born from within, this is root chakra energy of fight or flight, we finally feel alive being out of our comfort zone and through this creativity ensues.   This pause of life is about bringing balance and recognising that there is a new way of being, that we can create a different life, if anything we are adaptable, the unfamiliar quickly becomes familiar.

Feeling love or fear is a choice, though not many of us even know that, (I am going on experience here) I was not taught to trust myself on a heart level so I didn’t trust life, physically I had freedom and trust my body but emotional awareness had to be learnt, as a child brought up in the ‘seen and not heard’ generation, it took me until recently to fully find my voice, when you are never asked how you are or what your opinion is then it is never used… my dear mother, a strong, little power house of a woman, brought us up to judge and critic others, it is her way or the highway, never any discussion.  She would finish our sentences or interrupt without listening, I know enough now to see and understand that she is only operating from her own pain, that little inner girl is so stuck, and I can find appreciation in the freedom we were given but she definitely still comes with a ‘handle with care’ sticker regarding any deeper enquiry.

Once I learnt about the mind, body, spirit connection I reflected on how, as children our suppression of expression caused teeth problems and tonsillitis, a sure sign that the throat chakra is blocked.

Because of my silent childhood I become rather wary of when others are hushed, as a human I feel we all have the right to express our truth, all perspectives are valid. This week some speakers who are not going along with what mainstream news are feeding us were shut down across all their social media platforms.  Waiting for a live stream to start and then suddenly ‘server not found’ comes up… intriguing don’t you think?  What are the powers that be so afraid of?  Surely in shutting them down they are given even more power, like any suppression whether through antibiotics for our health or silencing freedom of speech, life will find a way and sometimes it will come back stronger.  Perhaps the concern is that we will get sucked into anothers reality by listening to an alternative perspective and their version of their truth.  I love listening to conspiracy theories, to me it’s as if they are one side of the river and what mainstream feed us is the other side, the bridge we can build ourselves or just leave it open as I would wish most minds to be.

The majority of what I hear though always leads to the same place… love.  Change comes through love,  when we love and appreciate anything our vibrations change for the better, in that we change our reality as our worlds become more loving and not fearful places, we witness kindness not greed, trust where mistrust was once. Our capacity, as humans to love is extraordinary but it all starts in the mirror.

The more you integrate all aspects of yourself the more easily the answer will come, we will not be going back to the old ways, there is a divine plan, make peace with your fears and move towards the love.

If you are anxious about anything, job, money, relationships… ask yourself…

What would love do?



Health, wealth and happiness…

During this time of lock down/up/in/out (depending on perspective), our focus has turned to health, those that look after us when we desperately need it and what we can each do to stay healthier and fitter.

My co-lock down mate and me differ hugely on what we will eat and what we deem as a balanced, healthy meal, he is definitely old school thinking.

For me the energy of the food is what matters, I do not see the point of eating anything that has little nutritious value… my children definitely put my recipes in to the “nutritious not delicious” category but it my defence it was important to me that they ate as much organic as possible, even if it was just simple dhal with rice and some fresh vegetables but vegetables that were local, seasonal and freshly picked, it did help that we had the wonderful Riverford Organic farm on the doorstep, also my children went to a Steiner School where part of the curriculum was gardening, based on Bio-dynamic principles, parents could buy freshly picked vegetables weekly.

Our planet matters to me. Food matters to me. Vegetables in particular.

When we incarnate we are issued with this magnificent, unique body, it is ours for life, no one else has the same body, (unless you are an identical twin, body the same, thoughts not so much).  Surely if we have learnt anything from this it is to look after it better, to me a healthy vibrant body can only come from within, mind, body and spirit, all connected and all needing to be fed with love and care.

I’m not sure all the money in the world could replace good health, to help our NHS or any health care provider more, surely prevention of dis-ease is the next positive action to take.  Our bodies are self-healing… we are not robots, where one drug fits all, how can we be when we are all unique?  The fuel we absorb is as important as our thoughts and beliefs and the physical exercise we take.

Growing salads, herbs or sprouts (alfalfa or mung beans) can easily be done on a windowsill, fresh, nutritious, vibrant, living foods, simply done and rewarding.  Spices have healing properties too, cayenne pepper is exceptionally good for heart health and circulation, worth doing some research yourselves on these though, like everything, if it resonates with you then follow the energy.

Go well, go healthy, go happy.





A new normal…

As I wrote ‘normal’, somehow in paying it attention to that word, it sort of shape shifted, this word when first said became distorted in slow motion and weirdly different, this happens sometimes.

Kind of like now, during this lock up, each minute, hour and day may contain different thoughts and emotions, some will distort what we think of as normal, it may have us questioning our sanity and what we believed was a normal life and as our weeks shape shift and we adapt to restricted movements and possibly challenging living conditions.

When my life was seriously challenged, I had to turn myself inside out, I read self help books and listened to alternative thinkers, I became conscious of what or how I wanted things to change and then dealt with my sub-conscious programming that believed me to be less, my normal was living in fear not this now normal of flow, trust and joy.

We all have the chance to create a new normal, for ourselves, our families, our community and for our precious planet.  When limited we can become our most creative and with that new thoughts are birthed, the old thoughts released into possibility for the new… one person at a time… as we are all part of the bigger picture… the wave of consciousness will carry everyone to a new shore.

My thoughts have taken me to living more off grid, to creating a sustainable, zero waste home with a bio-dynamic garden where I can live more in nature and perhaps do off-grid camping and retreats.   I have seen and heard just how incredibly fast the environment has recovered from less travel, how the skies have cleared and the empty streets are being explored by wildlife; the coyotes on Golden Gate Bridge and sheep roaming Welsh towns but a few.

It does raise the question as to how we thought this normal behaviour, the way we factory farm animals, deplete our soils of any nutrients and use pesticides indiscriminately.

It is little wonder our Mother Earth has put us on the naughty step.








One day at a time…

If you have been in a 12 step programme you will know that it is about taking one day at a time.

As our planet is in it’s own state of recovery, all of us have been asked to pause our lives and reflect….on what really matters and who matters.

Although I have relative freedom of thought, my physical world is small, lockdown has made little difference but as a curious seeker of new thought that enhances my vibrant self I am meditating daily and listening to inspiring speakers offering their perspectives on what is going on.

If you feel like the rug has been firmly yanked from under your feet, perhaps it is time to ask yourself… am I still standing?   It may be that the rhythm of the day has disappeared but now you can design your own rhythm, beat to your own drum as we all shift in consciousness.

If you are feeling any emotional reaction to how your days have changed then work with that… we do not have to be what society deems as an addict to become addicted to something, I know that I have an addiction to Solitaire and a mighty challenging lockdown jigsaw to do…. but I am not judging myself around it.

It is about responding rather than reacting… breathe if you can, just taking a breath can also help.

The spiritual me knows all is well… This is not so much happening to us, as for us… the human me is appreciating that I have a garden and able to get out into nature…

Breathe and appreciate.

Oh and it’s a super full moon tonight/early morning depending on where you are… that can also push suppressed emotions to the top.

Go well xxx


What a difference a week makes…

Our world has come to a grinding halt.

I am a witness to this disaster movie, streaming at me from all directions, I am intrigued watching the live news coverage, listening to our prime minister and other more alternative takes on this extra ordinary pause our earth has decided on.

Yes, I know there have been films made of pandemics but I never wanted to star in my own one,  I don’t do drama!

We are not in total lock down here and even so I am lucky enough to have a garden, fields, woods and places to walk without troubling others.  I have no reason to complain and I appreciate this fact every night before sleep.

This pause on life button was predicted.  As a global shift in consciousness and changes to all the old systems is being birthed, the old ways are falling now, for each of us our reactions to what is happening is most important, are we a victim or empowered… they are ends of the same stick with two very different realities.

There is always an opportunity, it may not seem like it if you are ill, you have lost your job or are concerned about elders, finances or anything else.  But have faith, we humans are resilient, we are creative, we are kind, we are caring, we want to help others, we want to be of use and we love.  When we browse the internet and look at how communities are coming together, it is heart warming.  Know and trust that all will be well, this drama will have it’s happy ending, it may not be the one that you would have written but for the bigger picture on humanity, it will be a blockbuster.

Meditate, go to your happy place, walk in nature (if you can), listen to high vibe speakers, be with loved ones, and know to your core that all is well, all is perfectly unfolding according to a divine plan.