Break down to break through…

The world of humanity is in the process of breaking down in order to rebirth into a new reality.

This global epidemic throws up core beliefs to be addressed and healed quicker than ever, breakthrough leads to surrender, acceptance and that shift in perspective as we get down to the nitty gritty of who we are and how we lead our lives.

I always look to me first if something shows up in my reality that causes upset, I am of the belief that… there are no accidents… we are living in a vibrational universe… and that spirit is always guiding us…AND… that life is perfectly unfolding according to a divine plan.

My breakthrough has been an extraordinary leap to a far deeper appreciation and acceptance of who I am, (as this stream of consciousness playing this part, in this lifetime) this is a huge shift and feels like that big piece that I (dis-)missed for decades.  I have never been a mainstream thinker, I was far to curious about humans, their behaviour and the deeper meaning to life.  The family I was born into were perfect as my co-stars, as I internalised that I was wrong from a very young age, that dis-ease of me and all my self-limiting beliefs became cancer, then acne rosacea, and all because I was putting others before me, I had made others the stars of my own damned show… I had denied who I was for so long and just sat in the wings waiting to be seen or at least be given a part.. isn’t that ridiculous and rather sad!?  It is though a sad fact that many of us believe others before ourselves, whether they are family, friends, teachers, peers or the media, only we know what doesn’t work for us, we have to look within, feel the negative emotions our reactions and free ourselves before we breakdown or rely on external buffers to help us live our lives.

I became a closet new age thinker to family and some friends… how blinking ridiculous is that but people pleasing is not soul pleasing, it is dis-missing who we were born to be, aim high, dream big, we were born to thrive, to live a vibrant life, to feel joyful and to do what we love and above all be and take centre stage of our own life.






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